Complimentary pick-up and drop-off to chosen location (see meeting point)
Tax included
Ground transportation in tour coach
Professional tour escort Excludes
Airfares between your home and Vancouver airport
All personal expenses
Optional Prices. (Prices may change and are subject to the final price at the local box office. Please pay on tour. Non-Refundable.)
Service fees for tour guide (min. CAD$10.00/day per guest before May 1, 2020; min. CAD$12.00/day per guest from May 1, 2020)
Guests must pay optional tour costs and other additional fees in Canadian dollars (CAD). If you only have U.S. dollars or any other non-Canadian currency, we suggest that you:
1. Exchange your currency for Canadian dollars (CAD) before you join the tour.
2. Ask our tour guide for assistance.